Nevestino Municipality Kyustendil Province

Nevestino Municipality is in Kyustendil Province, western Bulgaria.


History of Nevestino Municipality

The Nevestino region has a long history of habitation

berkovitsa clocktower

Geography of Nevestino Municipality

Berkovitsa Municipality covers an area of 464 sq km. It is the southernmost municipality of Montana Province. It lies on the northern slopes of the western Balkan mountains, with hilly terrain broken up by streams flowing through its territory. The area is rich in wildlife and vegetation, with blueberries and raspberries filling the stomachs of many a wanderer during long summer afternoons.

There are 20 villages and towns in the municipality with a total population of about 18,000 people. Almost 75% of the population, over 13,000 people, reside in the town of Berkovitsa. Barziya, population 1400, and Zamfirovo, population 1200, are the only other villages of any size. None of the rest rises above 300 souls. They include Balyuvitsa, Bistrilitsa, Bokilovtsi, Borovtsi, Chereshovitsa, Gaganitsa, Komarevo, Kostentsi, Kotenovtsi, Leskovets, Mezdreya, Parlichevo, Pesochnitsa, Rashovitsa, Slatina, Tsvetkova Bara, and Yagodovo.


Economy of Nevestino Municipality

berkovitsa municipality

Tourism in Nevestino Municipality

Berkovitsa offers tremendous opportunities to escape city crowds and wander amidst the great outdoors of the western Balkan mountains. The famous Bulgarian author Ivan Vazov said it best:


Such wonderful nature here! What beauty in this unknown little paradise.

Berkovitsa town is a good starting point for excursions into the mountains and valleys of the municipality. There are over a dozen different marked trails leading to places of interest in the area. Some of the more popular destinations are:

  • Kom Peak At 2016 m (6614 ft), the highest point in the region. 90 minute walk from Kom Hut. Panoramic views from the starting point of the Kom to Emine trek (European E-3 long distance trail.)
  • Zdravchenitsa Peak Hike up to the summit at 1176 m (3858 ft). Trails from Berkovitsa town and Chereshovitsa.
  • Haiydushki Waterfalls Hike beside streams and cascades to reach the waterfalls.
  • Klisura Monastery A working monastery founded in the 13th century.
  • Siniya Vir The Blue Pool. A favorite local spot for trout fishing.
  • Ashiklar Mountain meadows for walking and picnics. Close to Berkovitsa town.
  • Kaleto Nature Park For outdoor excursions. Roman fortress ruins found on the hill.

Museums in Nevestino Municipality

Berkovitsa Ethnographic Museum

Ivan Vazov House Museum

Klisurski Monastery Museum

Kom Peak

Famous People from Nevestino Municipality

Timo Angelov Revolutionary

Georgi Bliznakov Chemist

Donyo Donev Animator

Pavlina Filipova Athlete

Valentin Naydenov Ivanov Athlete

Famous people from Berkovitsa Municipality

Aksakovo • AlfatarAntonAntonovo • ApriltsiArdinoAsenovgradAvrenAytosBalchikBaniteBansko • BatakBeleneBelitsaBelogradchikBeloslavBelovoBerkovitsaBlagoevgradBoboshevoBobov DolBolyarovoBorinoBorovanBorovoBotevgradBoychinovtsiBoynitsaBozhurishteBratsigovoBratya DaskaloviBregovoBreznikBrezovoBrusartsiBurgasByala (Ruse) • Byala (Varna) •  Byala SlatinaChavdarChelopechChepelareChernoocheneCherven BryagChiprovtsiChirpanChupreneDalgopolDevinDevnyaDimitrovgradDimovoDobrichDobrichkaDolna BanyaDolna MitropoliyaDolni ChiflikDolni DabnikDospatDragomanDryanovoDulovoDupnitsaDve MogiliDzhebelElenaElhovoElin PelinEtropoleGabrovoGalabovoGarmenGeneral ToshevoGeorgi DamyanovoGlavinitsaGodechGorna MalinaGorna OryahovitsaGotse DelchevGramadaGulyantsiGurkovoHadzhidimovoHarmanliHaskovoHayredinHisaryaHitrinoIhtimanIskarIsperihIvanovoIvaylovgradKaloyanovoKamenoKaolinovoKardzhaliKarlovoKarnobatKaspichanKavarnaKaynardzhaKazanlakKirkovoKnezhaKocherinovoKoprivshtitsaKostenetsKostinbrodKotelKovachevtsiKozloduy • KresnaKrichimKrivodolKrumovgradKrushariKubratKuklenKulaKyustendilLakiLesichovoLetnitsaLevskiLomLovechLoznitsaLukovitLyaskovetsLyubimetsMadanMadzharovoMaglizhMakreshMalko TarnovoMaritsaMedkovetsMezdraMineralni BaniMirkovoMiziyaMomchilgradMontanaNedelinoNesebarNevestinoNikola KozlevoNikolaevoNikopolNova Zagora • Novi PazarNovo SeloOmurtagOpakaOpanOryahovoPanagyurishteParvomayPavel BanyaPavlikeniPazardzhikPernikPerushtitsaPeshteraPetrichPirdopPleven • PlovdivPolski TrambeshPomoriePopovoPordimPravetsPrimorskoProvadiyaRadnevoRadomirRakitovoRakovskiRazgradRazlogRilaRodopiRomanRudozemRuenRuseRuzhintsiSadovoSaedinenieSamokovSamuil • SandanskiSapareva BanyaSarnitsaSatovcha • SeptemvriSevlievoShablaShumenSilistraSimeonovgradSimitliSitovo • SlivenSlivnitsaSlivo PoleSmolyanSmyadovoStolitsaSopotSozopolSredetsStamboliyskiStambolovoStara ZagoraStraldzhaStrazhitsaStrelchaStrumyaniSuhindolSungurlareSuvorovo • SvilengradSvishtovSvogeTargovishteTervelTetevenTopolovgradTranTreklyanoTroyanTryavnaTsar KaloyanTsarevoTsenovoTundzhaTutrakanTvarditsaUgarchinValchedramValchi DolVarbitsaVarnaVarshetsVeliki PreslavVeliko TarnovoVelingradVenetsVetovoVetrinoVidinVratsaYablanitsaYakimovoYakorudaYambolZavetZemenZlataritsaZlatitsaZlatograd
